Love, Joy, Peace...

Mexicali Chinese Baptist, MCB as short, is a registered non-profit organization in USA.  The purpose of MCB is to glorify God by fulfilling the Great Commission (matt. 28:18-20) through coordinating activities to win the souls for Christ.

January 2000, led by the Holy Spirit, Pastor Karlson Poon, the founder of MCB, gave up his work as an electrical engineer and relocated the entire family to the Golden Gate Theological Seminary in Mill Valley, California to pursue the M.Div. degree program in preparation for the full time ministry. Early in 2005, Rev. Wilfred Hsu and Mrs. Marcia Hsu came to visit Mexicali and through their encouragement and teaching. Pastor Karlson finally decided to form an independent church. As a result, the MCB was constituted, the first spiritual home for local Chinese believers.

We praise God that in the last 20 years, many churches have sent mission teams to help in fulfilling many aspects of the work here.